Did you see the news? Are you following The Reindeer Farm on Facebook? You should be! The 2018 babies are starting to show up.
As we mentioned in our previous post the Reindeer Farm is closed for all of April. The break is for two reasons.
- We take April off to give our herd time to adjust. We have new mamas and new babies and we try to keep it quiet and low key until summer hits. Closing for a month ensures that they get that break in activity.
- Break up in Alaska. it’s a muddy messy affair and on a farm, at the base of the butte it’s even muddier and messier. Closing gives the remaining snow a chance to melt, driveway time to dry out, and our pens a chance to recover.
Join us in May for regular tours, our booking system is up and running and ready to take your reservations. If you are looking for group tours for any school groups it’s time to get those booked as well. It’s best to book those early and make sure you’re in the system.
In the meantime check out our gorgeous new babies being updated daily on our facebook page.